Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Most used field player in La Liga
Cristiano Ronaldo has been on the pitch for 2,369 minutes so far in the championship.Cirstiano Ronaldo is the only non-goalkeeper in the top eight positions of the ranking for minutes played in La Liga, having participated in all of the team's games in the championship (25).

It is surprising to see tha
t Ronaldo has played more than most goalkeepers in the competition. only keepers Iraizoz (Athletic Bilbao), De Gea (Atletico) and Diego Alves (Almeria) are placed higher than the Portuguese star in the ranking

Tomorrow at 22:00
Estadio Santiago Bernabèu

Saturday, February 19, 2011

‎..and it ends. Going home now. Please stay tuned for this new @nike campaign


Let's see our power as 20 million strong. I'd like to ask for your support of Casa de Povo de Alvarenga, an incredible project started by a friend. It helps the old people & children of his origin city, and with our help, he can continue this amazing social work. I've enjoyed supporting thus far, and invite my fans to join in raising the money necessary to give old people and babies the conditions they deserve.
Our village is small and many of our people old. Those that work need help raising their children. We are building a retirement home and a kindergarden where generations meet and lifelong bonds can be made. We are rooting people to their land